WO50 Women Over Fifty Inbody Wisdom and Wellness

More Bang for Your Muck

Episode Summary

Women's Health in Menopause and Beyond. No topic is off the table or too intimate as we discuss this very important topic.

Episode Notes

🎙️ Episode: "More Bang For Your Muck: Women's Health in Menopause and Beyond" 🌟

No topic is off the table or too intimate as we discuss the very important topic of the health of your female parts after menopause. 💰 Cashback on Your Inner World 💰

🌸 Balancing Inner and Physical Health 🌸

Join us for a forthright conversation about women's health, self-investment, and navigating the changing landscape of healthcare.

Find Eddi and Corrine online: 
FB: https://www.facebook.com/innergyhealth, https://www.facebook.com/corrineblissed
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corrine_champigny/, https://www.instagram.com/healthyeddi/
https://blissed.com/, https://corrinechampigny.com/, https://theivyhouse.org/