WO50 Women Over Fifty Inbody Wisdom and Wellness

Living Open, Loving and Free with Alaya Dickinson

Episode Summary

A very special person to both Corrine and Eddi, Alaya Dickinson is a spiritual teacher.

Episode Notes

A very special person to both Corrine and Eddi, Alaya Dickinson is a spiritual teacher. Alaya’s invitation is to meet what is here so deeply that separation cannot be maintained. When separation falls away, what remains is our true nature: open, loving, and free. But first we are invited to meet what is here, whatever it is.

Alaya explains that the way she experiences life is very similar to the aliveness we feel as children. As we get older, we start gathering things. Not as a choice, but we start getting layers of beliefs and social conditioning starts to permeate our innocence. As the years go by, it is a burden that is put upon us. There are some important things that we need to know as humans but many, things that are not so important.