WO50 Women Over Fifty Inbody Wisdom and Wellness

A Deeper Discussion about our Conversation with Alaya

Episode Summary

We had such a wonderful chat with Alaya last week that we thought we would unpack it and talk about our experience with her.

Episode Notes

Plus a special bonus of the last 40 minutes of our conversation with Alaya. 

Look up on YouTube the podcast titled: Turning Points with Sean and Corrine, An Awakening with Alaya. Also look up Buddha at the Gas Pump (BATGAP) interviews with Alaya and also two interviews with Alaya. Another name we mentioned was Gangaji and she has a few interviews on BATGAP as well

Corrine lives part time in the sacred city of Tiruvannamalai in South India, the home or Ramana Maharishi who is the father of the Inquiry practice.

Upcoming Retreat with Alaya and Corrine: 

www.alayasatsang.org for more info on Alaya